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Sylvia Lin

Hello! My name is Sylvia (林楚) and I am a PhD candidate at Orygen and the Centre for Youth Mental Health at the University of Melbourne. My research investigates the impact of parenting and family environment on adolescent brain development and mental health. I hope to leverage neuroimaging techniques to develop neuroscience-informed interventions to improve mental health outcomes in young people. ​​


Some of the most beautiful moments from my PhD have been supporting parents in understanding their own and their teens’ emotions. I am grateful for the opportunity to be part of a journey of curiosity, connection, and growth with many families.​


I am passionate about engaging young people, teachers, parents, clinicians, and policy makers in youth mental health research. Together, we can create a world where all young people can thrive in their unique ways.


Technical Skills

fMRI preprocessing and analysis using HALFpipe and SPM. Neuroimaging analysis via HPC. Data wrangling, statistical analysis, and data visualisation in R (e.g., ANOVA, mixed models analysis, causal mediation analysis)


Project Management

Experience in creating and maintaining study protocols, ethics documents, SOPs, REDCap database, liaising with stakeholders, and coordinating participant recruitment, data management, and staff training for TINT-B, PIPS, and Cann Change MRI research studies

Assessment Tools

Clinical Interview and Neuropsychological Assessment: SCID-5, MINI, MADRAS, WTAR, WAIS, CGI, BDRS, HAM, LIFE-RIFT, SOFAS, Trail Making Test, Letter-Number Span, Digit Span, BACS Symbol Coding, Category Fluency, BVMT-R, HVLT-R, Mazes

Clinical Trainings

Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST), Good Clinical Practice (GCP), risk assessment and management, CPR/First Aid, Management of Clinical Aggression, Tuning in to Teens (TINT) Program Facilitator

Extensive experience working with clinical population


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